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[…]: Argh!
Kaylee: Here let me help.
[…]: Ah. That's better.
Kaylee: Here. Wear this.
[…]: Thanks. My head feels so fuzzy. They warned me that cryo-sleep would be a little rough, but I didn't realize…
Wednesday: What's your name?
[…]: Um…I-I don't remember. A-actually, I don't seem to remember much of anything.
Kaylee: Don't worry. It's just a side-effect of the cryo-sleep. It'll all come back to you soon.
Kaylee: But just so you know, I'm Kaylee and this is—
Wednesday: —Wednesday. Hi!
Wednesday: Even though you're not little, will you still play with me sometimes? Kaylee does.
Kaylee: Give her sometime to adjust, sweetie.
]]>The dolls:
Wednesday: Lati Green Coco
Kaylee: Minifee Shushu
Kaylee: Wednesday.
Kaylee: The new girl is here.
Wednesday: The new big-girl? I wish she was little like me so we could play together.
Kaylee: Does that mean you don't want to come welcome her?
Wednesday: Can Crumbs come?
Kaylee: Of course. I'm sure she'll be a big help.
Wednesday: Are you being a smart-ass?
Kaylee: Uh…what? Where did you hear something like that?
Wednesday: The other day, Tahlvin said to Julian that he was a really big help. And Julian was all “you're such a smart-ass”. And Tahlvin started laughing really hard. I didn't think it was that funny though.
Kaylee: Well…uh…anyway. Don't repeat things like that, okay?
Wednesday: 'kay. Now can we go see the new big-girl?
My new doll Brandee, who I've been wanting for a long time, arrived on Monday, and the kitties "helped" me open the box.
By the way, this is Sora—my mischievous girl. You can call her "Silly" if you want.
I had forgotten that Limhwa dolls arrived wrapped as presents. (I had a Limhwa Mano for a very short time, and he arrived that way too. I thought it was a nice touch.) I bought this doll second-hand but the previous owner re-wrapped her.
This is Tristan, or "Mister" or "Boy", really whatever you feel like calling him is fine. He's pretty laid back.
However, he did want me to open the box so that he could lay in the lid. He's a box-addict.
Tristan and Sora really, really wanted the silver paper the Limhwa box was wrapped in (it also had tape on it still; for some reason, they love chewing on tape). I think they hoped I would become distracted with the doll and let them bite the paper.
I kept shooing them away, but Sora managed to grab the whole sheet of paper at one time and took off trotting down the hall toward the bedroom, the length of paper dragging behind her. I was laughing too hard to get a picture of it, but it was very cute (even if she was being very bad).
After the cats got distracted by birds, I was able to finish opening my new doll. Ah, the wrapped mummy phase. This part always makes me nervous. What if there is some damage hiding beneath the bubble wrap?
Meet my new Limhwa Elly. She is going to be the shell for one of my characters—Brandee—who is the wife of Tahlvin and mother of Emily.
Brandee is supposed to be a brunette with brown eyes, but she looks so gorgeous here it makes me wish she were blonde. Also, the Limhwa body is so sexy. I love her hands too; they are so graceful and have the loveliest long nails.
Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to enjoy her yet, because…yes, there was some damage hiding beneath the bubble wrap:
My best guess is she must have gotten damaged in shipping. She was strung really tightly and both ankles cracked.
I contacted someone on DoA and she said she could repair the cracks. I'll still be able see hairline cracks after the repair, but at least my doll will be structurally sound.
So, Brandee has arrived, but I haven't been able to play with her yet. *sad sigh*
]]>When the postman came on Wednesday, Alice and Molly were so excited. Their long-lost friend had finally arrived. I had no problem getting them to help me open the box.
All the little things that were stuffed in her box.
I get such a kick out of Engrish. The inside of the pamphlet includes instructions on how to restring your doll. I'm sure it will be very helpful in the future.
Just to prove she's all official-like.
An extra stringing elastic and hands were also included. I think these used to be the old-style hands, but I'm not sure. These have dimples on the backs of the hands though whereas the ones my doll is currently wearing don't.
I take a little break in the box-opening to take a picture of Alice showing me her belly. Isn't it cute?
The wee ones trying to help me unpack the box. At this point, I think they just wanted me to hurry up and get their friend out.
Okay…time to tell the truth. This isn't actually my first time opening this box. I did a quick box opening before I started taking pictures because I wanted to make sure the doll was okay. You see, I'd had a horrible dream the night before she arrived that, when I opened her box, her skin was all blotchy. Luckily, the dream proved false and she was just as pretty as I had hoped she would be (as you'll soon see).
Also, while I had her out, I fixed her eyes (she had that deer-in-headlights look that so many new dolls seem to have) and changed out the factory putty that was holding her eyes in (I've heard so horror stories lately about what putty can do to acrylic eyes and the resin "skin" of dolls).
Finally, I allow the wee ones to unwrap their friend.
Yay! Unfortunately, I have yet to think of a name for her. So, she's still know as Lati Green Girl around here. Poor thing.
Such a pretty little face. I even think she looks cute bald (although I think she looks even better with hair).
All dressed up in her special outfit. I can't get over how well it's made–very high quality. I'm super impressed. Her wig is gorgeous too–shiny, soft, and no flyaways.
So, here's how the story goes…
Once upon a time, there lived a little girl who spent her days lost in fantasy. She dreamed of faraway places and had many adventures with imaginary animals that she met along the way.
Then, one day, her imaginary friends came to life…
Finally…the gruesome threesome is all together!
]]>Molly arrived from Piposdoll in a pretty gold box decorated like a present. I loved that little touch.
Luckily, I had an eager helper.
They kill me with their cuteness.
Molly ~ Piposdoll Ringo Limited Witch
I love her little outfit.
A little note: Do you notice, in the pictures, that Molly's toes and fingers are blushed a glossy pink? Well, that gloss always felt a little tacky to me, like it never quite dried. It also seemed to attract lint and dirt that adhered to the gloss. So, after a careful and nerve-wracking cleaning of her paws (hoping that I wasn't going to accidently remove her blushing), I sprayed a matte sealant (ZM Finishing Powder Spray UV-Cut) over the gloss. No longer do her paws attract dirt or feel tacky. Yay! I actually think I like the matte finish better anyway.
I also ordered some new eyes for Molly. I really like her current ones, but I love Gumdrop Eyes (like Dominik has) so I got her some Majestic Magenta. I hope they arrive soon.
]]>I've had Alice since February, but I was so excited when I first got her that I neglected having an official "box opening ceremony" for her like I did for Ethyn and Dom. So, in an attempt to be fair to her and because her packaging is so cute (the real reason!) I decided to do a recreation of the event. This is all exactly how it happened…well, except for the fact that Molly (the little kitty) wasn't there at Alice's first box opening. But, she wanted to help and, as my real-life kitties know, I can never say "no" to a cat.
Molly: I will help!
Me: But…I'm trying to do a recreation of the actual box-opening. You're not supposed to be in the pictures. I hadn't even ordered you yet when Alice first got here.
Molly: … I will help!
Me: *thinking* Kitties…they never listen.
Molly: Look! I'm reflected in the plastic.
Alice: *giggles*
Aw…doesn't Alice look sweet? I love how her packaging pillow looks like a cute little bed. She definately has one of the neatest packaging of the dolls I've gotten so far.
Molly: Okay, just jump out. I'll catch you.
Alice: Don't drop me. My ears are very delicate.
Alice Cherry Blossom 2nd edition, Ballerina by Elfdoll
The end of Alice's first recital (entitled "When Pigs Fly"). Molly seems (easily?) impressed.
One of my real kitties, Sora, checks out Alice. The wings seemed of particular interest to her. But, she has also been known to nibble on resin now and then so I don't like it when she takes too much interest in my dolls.
Molly's dress by Pei78 at etsy
Molly's bowtie by Piposdoll
Alice's ballet outfit by Elfdoll
I just could not bond with him, unfortunately. It was actually a relief to ship him off a couple of weeks ago to his new home. Initially, when I first saw him back in July, I fell in love with his prototype pictures. However, I have since learned a very important lesson—if a brand new doll isn't a limited edition, wait until the first batch ships and see what he/she looks like in owner pictures. That's when you'll be able to make a more informed choice as to if that doll is something you think you'd like. I totally bought him on a whim. Not a good idea!
I also realized that I'm not a huge fan of pinky white french resin, which was the skintone I had chosen for him. It's a pretty, delicate color, but prone to yellowing faster than other resins (the material that most BJDs are made of).
Also, his chest bugged me. The pectoral muscles seemed too long and his chest, overall, just seemed too skinny.
Although, I swear, this doll model continues to haunt me. He has recently been released in a beautiful tan skintone and with a new "sexy muscle chest". Gah! Aren't those sculpted muscles insane? Once again, I'm floored by him. I wonder if, with the right face-up (i.e. demphisized, zero-gloss lips; archy brows; hollowed out cheeks), this guy could be Jason?
No! I mustn't allow myself to think of that. I can't afford another doll right now. Mano's lips are too big anyway, right? Right?!