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The Wee Ones are so excited for Christmas and fascinated by the beautiful tree. They are all prepared for Santa too—the cookies and milk have already been set out. Molly has even brought her Glo-Worm so she can more closely inspect the presents under the tree.
Last year, almost everything in our house was still in moving boxes at Christmas time. So, it's been fun to decorate the house this year—even the dollroom got decorated.
Anyway, here's some quick pics I took with my cellphone.
My American Girl tree. It's the perfect size for the dollroom.
Emily is setting her dolls up for a photo-shoot.
I got a new doll: Isul Glen (he's the brother of my Pullip Bloody Red Hood).
A bit closer view of Isul Glen, whom I've named "Oliver". I'll take better pictures of him soon.
]]>I dressed Charli in a new outfit today. I love it on her. She looks like a vampire hunter.
I have her hanging out with Ethyn. Maybe she's The Doctor's new companion/assistant? (In my dolls' world, Ethyn has been playing the part of "The Doctor" in Doctor Who for the last few years.)
]]>I couldn't fit all of my BJDs into the armoire. Here are three of them sitting (or standing) out in the dollroom (left to right): Charli (Iplehouse SID Ashanti), Ethyn (Dollshe Hound), System (Lati Red Aida).
I still feel so lucky to have this girl—she's so beautiful.
Did you know that I've had Ethyn for seven years now? Pretty cool, I think. I still adore this guy. He's channelling Doctor Who at the moment.
Do you remember this guy? Back in 2009, my aunt sent System to me so that I could blush his body for her. Last year, she decided to sell most of her BJDs; she sent System to me as a gift. She's so sweet.
I was a bit sad wiping his original face-up, but I wanted a softer, and younger look for him.
]]>Feeling a bit neglected by everyone since the new girl arrived, Wednesday has been a bit pouty lately. Kendall noticed this and, knowing that Wednesday is a huge fan of Lalaloopsies, got Wednesday a Lala that she didn't have yet. Ah, bribery…the way to a little kid's heart.
P.S. In addition to the name "Shea", I'm also now considering the name "Charlie" (or "Charli") for Kendall. Choosing a name is hard!
P.P.S. Okay, so Wednesday already had Dot Starlight (I had forgotten Dot was in previous pictures. Oops!) Um…just call it artistic license.
Wednesday Golightly (Lati Green Grown-up Coco)
shirt by icklemissus@etsy
tunic by icantdance@etsy
pants by marsh
wig by MiyukiDollfie (6-7" Brown Mohair)
eyes by Gumdrops (16mm/8mm Wolf Grey)
face-up by Latidoll
Kendall (Iplehouse Ashanti)
sweater and tank top by dorsetclothing@etsy
shorts by Dollmore
wig by Tinybear (7-8" Dark Chocolate)
eyes by Kemper Dolls (12mm Hazel)
face-up and body blushing by Zephiroth Aesthetics
She's daydreaming about which guy is going to be her boyfriend: Ethyn or Julian. Not that either one would be a bad choice. What I need to do is take pictures of her with both guys, as well as take pictures of Chloe with both guys, so I can see who I want to pair off with whom. I'm actually planning on taking pictures of Chloe and Ethyn this week so we'll be able to see what those two look like together. I'm excited about it!
I'm still trying to come up with a name for her (current list of names). So far, I'm leaning toward "Shea" or "Shel". What do you think? Or if you have any other suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
Kendall (Iplehouse Ashanti)
sweater and tank top by dorsetclothing@etsy
shorts by Dollmore
purse by Iplehouse
wig by Tinybear (7-8" Dark Chocolate)
eyes by Kemper Dolls (12mm Hazel)
face-up and body blushing by Zephiroth Aesthetics
Do you remember the surprise dolly addition that I mentioned last week? Well, here she is! I now have an Iplehouse SID Ashanti living here.
Some of you may recognize her—she used to be aEthEr hEad's Kendall. When I found out that aEthEr hEad was leaving the hobby, I realized I couldn't pass up the opportunity and asked if she would consider letting me adopt Kendall so that she could come live with her BFF. You see, Emily and Kendall struck up a great friendship when Emily was visiting for her face-up; they even had their first photo session together when Em was there.
I'm so happy that Emily has her best friend living here now. I bet they'll be getting into all sorts of mischief.
I also feel so lucky that I was able to bring Kendall home. I've been a huge fan of hers for a long time and think she is one of the most beautiful Ashantis I've ever seen. I'm beyond excited!
I've been trying to come up with a name for my new girl. I love her orginal name—Kendall—but I think I would feel like I was stealing someone else's character if I kept her name from her first owner. Maybe I could keep "Kendall" as her last name as a nod to her origins. Hmm…I like that idea.
Anyway, these are the names I've come up with so far:
It's hard not to think of her as Kendall though. haha
Edited to add (01/14/12): I was watching some Firefly today and realized that "Gina" (after the actress who plays Zoe in the show) might also be a good name. Kendall even resembles the actress a bit, I think.
Emily (Supia Rosy)
sweater and scarf by dorsetclothing@etsy
jeans by My Pie Fashions
boots by Dollmore
jewelry by DevKimiko (bracelets and thumb ring) and Dollmore (ring)
wig by Monique (7-8" Ciara in Brown Black)
eyes by Gumdrops (12mm Java Frost)
face-up by Zephiroth Aesthetics
manicure by AtomicSpaceKitty
Kendall (Iplehouse Ashanti)
sweater and tank top by dorsetclothing@etsy
shorts by Dollmore
socks by Mimi Collection
shoes by Leekeworld
purse by Iplehouse
wig by Tinybear (7-8" Dark Chocolate)
eyes by Kemper Dolls (12mm Hazel)
face-up and body blushing by Zephiroth Aesthetics