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I've been unable to use my computer to edit my DSLR photos lately so I thought I'd at least post some of the pics I've been taking with my phone. Better than nothing, right?
Anyway, I changed my Minifees recently. Julia is wearing the new heels my sister got her last Christmas. They are so cute! I've got to get some more for her. Also, she's usually a brunette, but the yellow wig is a fun change.
Here's Kaylee's new outfit.
Just a bit of a close-up–I think the teddy in her pocket is too cute. He's her pocket pet.
My Minifees, Julia (MNF Chloe) and Kaylee (MNF Shushu) hang out on the bookshelf as well. Atleast they have plenty of reading material so they won't get bored.
Brandee (Limhwa Elly) Face-up Credits:
top and bottom left: Limhwa default (yes, they are both the same face-up, except for the beauty mark I added on the bottom picture, but I couldn't decide what picture to use…XD )
right: Xtreme Dolls/Cristy Stone
Note: The Cristy Stone face-up is amazing. I love it! There's only one problem I'm having with it: Brandee is Emily's (my Supia Rosy's) mother and her face-up seems a bit too perfect when compared to Emily's more realistic one. I keep wondering if they should have face-ups by the same artist. Too bad Emily's face-up artist is no longer around. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I definitely won't be wiping Emily's face-up though—I love how much character and realism it has (see below).
Emily (Supiadoll Rosy) Face-up Credits:
top left: Supiadoll default (smokey)
bottom left: Xtreme Dolls/Cristy Stone
right: Zephiroth Aesthetics
Note: I thought the Cristy Stone face-up was gorgeous, but a little too sophisticated and glamorous for Emily's character. I actually ended up selling that head and getting a new one because I thought the face-up was too lovely to wipe.
Chloe (Fairyland Feeple65 Chloe) Face-up Credits:
left: Fairyland default
middle and right: Lyn of Filter Off-Kilter (human and elf heads)
Note: I asked Lyn to do the same face-ups on both the human and elf heads so they can be interchangeable for the same character.
Ethyn (Dollshe Hound) Face-up Credits:
left: Iplehouse
right: SDink
Note: My first bjd! SDink did such a wonderful job on updating Ethyn's face-up while still keeping his "look".
Julia (Fairyland Minifee Chloe) Face-up Credits:
top left: Fairyland Default
bottom left: Meggilu
right: HimiMO
Note: It took me awhile to settle on the right look for Julia, but I'm happy with her more mature look now. I think she looks like she could be 16 or 17, which is what her character is supposed to be.
]]>All three of our Minifee girls together! I've wanted to see them like this for awhile now. From left to right: Julia, Kaylee, and Selene.
This is Selene, my sister's Vampire Elf Woosoo. I used to have a white-skinned version of this doll. I'm glad to still have a Woosoo in the family as I think she's adorable. She's borrowing one of Kaylee's wigs here, but my sis liked it on her so much she ended up getting one for herself.
Kaylee, my Shushu, with her face-up by Meggilu. I love her freckles.
I don't think I've shown Julia's (my Chloe's) new face-up by HimiMO yet. And, I totally love this wig—the colors are so pretty!
dress by onegreyelephant@etsy
eyes by HGC/Hand Glass Craft (12mm Turquoise, style D400, low lens profile)
wig by Monique (6-7" Pretty Girl in Electra)
face-up by HimiMO
dress by Fairyland
eyes by HGC/Hand Glass Craft (12mm Dark Blue, style D400, low lens profile)
wig by Leekeworld (6-6.5" LR-048 in Pink Cocktail/Peach Pink)
face-up by Meggilu
dress by Tanya Style
eyes by HGC/Hand Glass Craft (12mm Violet, style D400, low lens profile)
wig by Monique (6-7" Pretty Girl in Light Peach Blond/Ginger Brown)
face-up by Fairyland
[…]: Argh!
Kaylee: Here let me help.
[…]: Ah. That's better.
Kaylee: Here. Wear this.
[…]: Thanks. My head feels so fuzzy. They warned me that cryo-sleep would be a little rough, but I didn't realize…
Wednesday: What's your name?
[…]: Um…I-I don't remember. A-actually, I don't seem to remember much of anything.
Kaylee: Don't worry. It's just a side-effect of the cryo-sleep. It'll all come back to you soon.
Kaylee: But just so you know, I'm Kaylee and this is—
Wednesday: —Wednesday. Hi!
Wednesday: Even though you're not little, will you still play with me sometimes? Kaylee does.
Kaylee: Give her sometime to adjust, sweetie.
]]>The dolls:
Wednesday: Lati Green Coco
Kaylee: Minifee Shushu
Kaylee: Wednesday.
Kaylee: The new girl is here.
Wednesday: The new big-girl? I wish she was little like me so we could play together.
Kaylee: Does that mean you don't want to come welcome her?
Wednesday: Can Crumbs come?
Kaylee: Of course. I'm sure she'll be a big help.
Wednesday: Are you being a smart-ass?
Kaylee: Uh…what? Where did you hear something like that?
Wednesday: The other day, Tahlvin said to Julian that he was a really big help. And Julian was all “you're such a smart-ass”. And Tahlvin started laughing really hard. I didn't think it was that funny though.
Kaylee: Well…uh…anyway. Don't repeat things like that, okay?
Wednesday: 'kay. Now can we go see the new big-girl?