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Christmas Gifts (1 of 5)

My Christmas haul! 😉 Joe (Lati Yellow Ruki), Mei (Lati Yellow Coco) and Andy (Isul Nostalgia Lir) are modeling or playing with their new stuff.

Not shown is my gift from my husband—he got me an Iplehouse Stella! Thank you, honey! I can't wait until she gets here. I'm guessing it will be at least three months until she ships. XD

Christmas Gifts (2 of 5)

A better look at Andy's new Minions hat. Thank you, Mom! My sister gave me the vintage Pound Puppy, the Lego Minion, the awesome hummingbird mug, the stuffed duckling and the Make Way for Ducklings book.

Christmas Gifts (3 of 5)

Mei thinks her Totoro slippers and wee hamster stuffie are kawaii! 😉 Thanks, Sis!

Christmas Gifts (4 of 5)

Joe's new shirt and vest look very stylish. And he loves his new baseball stuff. I think he's ready for spring to get here so he can go play outside. Thank you, Mom!

Christmas Gifts (5 of 5)

Love my new barrette, Dad! It's beautiful. Thank you! <3 🙂

http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/misc-doll-chat/christmas-gifts/feed 3
Building a Home for Cheese, Part 3 http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/biscuit-pipos-s-vanilla-ringo/building-a-home-for-cheese-part-3 http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/biscuit-pipos-s-vanilla-ringo/building-a-home-for-cheese-part-3#respond Tue, 19 May 2015 05:27:01 +0000 http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=1200

Building a Home for Cheese, Part 3 (1 of 5)

The Wee Ones have finished their project—Cheese's home is complete. I think they are satisfied with a job well done. (Of course, Biscuit felt the need to fortify herself with another piece of bread and peanut butter. 😉 )

Building a Home for Cheese, Part 3 (2 of 5)

It looks like a cosy home for a baby dragon. I'm sure Cheese will love it.

Building a Home for Cheese, Part 3 (3 of 5)


Building a Home for Cheese, Part 3 (4 of 5)


Building a Home for Cheese, Part 3 (5 of 5)


http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/biscuit-pipos-s-vanilla-ringo/building-a-home-for-cheese-part-3/feed 0
Building a Home for Cheese, Part 2 http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/biscuit-pipos-s-vanilla-ringo/building-a-home-for-cheese-part-2 http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/biscuit-pipos-s-vanilla-ringo/building-a-home-for-cheese-part-2#respond Sat, 16 May 2015 05:09:38 +0000 http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=1194

Building a Home for Cheese, Part 2 (1 of 5)

The first part of building Cheese's cage was done, now the decorating could commence.

(I had meant to post these pictures at the beginning of the week, but I'd been so stressed out about a dentist appointment I had on Thursday that I couldn't pull myself together enough to finish editing the pictures. XD Ugh! I hate the dentist.)

Building a Home for Cheese, Part 2 (2 of 5)

Joe was tired so he decided he needed a break to rearrange his tool box. XD

Building a Home for Cheese, Part 2 (3 of 5)

Berry brought one of her favorite books for Cheese. (She wants it back someday though.)

Building a Home for Cheese, Part 2 (4 of 5)

Under the direction of Mei, Biscuit set up the sitting area. She had to fight the instinct to take a quick catnap (the pillows looked so soft and inviting).

Building a Home for Cheese, Part 2 (5 of 5)

Mei coordinated all the decorative elements. 😉

(Continued in Part 3…)

http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/biscuit-pipos-s-vanilla-ringo/building-a-home-for-cheese-part-2/feed 0
Building a Home for Cheese, Part 1 http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/biscuit-pipos-s-vanilla-ringo/building-a-home-for-cheese-part-1 http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/biscuit-pipos-s-vanilla-ringo/building-a-home-for-cheese-part-1#respond Fri, 08 May 2015 04:59:55 +0000 http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=1192

Building a Home for Cheese, Part 1 (1 of 5)

When Berry heard that Cheese, another baby dragon, would be coming to live here, she decided he should have a little cage-den like the one she has. So, she gathered together some of the Wee Ones to help her out.

Building a Home, Part 1 (2 of 5)

Mei volunteered to be in charge of the decorating—it's one of her favorite hobbies.

Building a Home, Part 1 (3 of 5)

Biscuit said she would put together a cheese basket for Cheese. She's quite the clever kitten. 😉

Building a Home, Part 1 (4 of 5)

Berry laid the flooring and hung a cute dragon picture that she found online.

Building a Home, Part 1 (5 of 5)

Using the tools he got from my mom for Christmas, Joe made sure the cage was in working order.

(Continued in Part 2…)

http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/biscuit-pipos-s-vanilla-ringo/building-a-home-for-cheese-part-1/feed 0
More Little Bear http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/mei-lati-yellow-coco/more-little-bear http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/mei-lati-yellow-coco/more-little-bear#comments Wed, 06 Mar 2013 16:56:37 +0000 http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=882 Just a few more photos of Mei in her bear costume…because I think it's unbearably cute. 😉

More Little Bear (1 of 3)

Also, I decided I want her to be a brunette, so I tried a dark brown wig on her. It's really cute. I wish I could remember where I got it.

More Little Bear (2 of 3)


More Little Bear (3 of 3)

The End! 😉



Mei (Lati Yellow Coco)
costume by AngelGardenByChilly@etsy
eyes from Denver Doll (12mm Sparkly Topaz glass)
face-up by Latidoll

http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/mei-lati-yellow-coco/more-little-bear/feed 1
Little Bear http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/mei-lati-yellow-coco/little-bear http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/mei-lati-yellow-coco/little-bear#comments Fri, 22 Feb 2013 18:15:12 +0000 http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=875

Little Bear (1 of 5)

A new little bear has come to live with me…

Little Bear (2 of 5)

"Wait! I'm not a bear!"

Little Bear (3 of 5)

"This is a bear."

Little Bear (4 of 5)

Anyway, yep, I have a new Lati Yellow Coco. She's from the Aladdin and the Magic Lamp release (I have her Mystic head as well, but the OE head is my fave). I've been waiting for a light tan Coco since I first got Wednesday (my Lati Green Coco). It's so exciting that she's finally here and I'm totally in love with everything about her. She was definitely worth the wait.

Now comes the hardest part about having a new doll: what to name her? Currently, I'm thinking really seriously about "Mei" (pronounced "May", as in the "merry, merry month of…"), after the little girl in My Neighbor Totoro, but I'm open to suggestions.

Little Bear (5 of 5)

Seriously, this little bear outfit cracks me up. My sister gave it to me for Christmas. She had gotten one for Pip (her Pukifee Icis) for Halloween, and we thought it so hilariously cute that Sis decided to get a little bear costume for my dolls too. Yay!


? (Lati Yellow Coco)
costume by AngelGardenByChilly@etsy
eyes from Denver Doll (12mm Sparkly Topaz glass)
face-up by Latidoll

http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/mei-lati-yellow-coco/little-bear/feed 2