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All the Tea in China

This photo has been sitting on my desktop for months waiting for me to post it, and I keep forgetting to do it. Poor Muffy and Hoppy! They are so neglected. 🙂

http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/muffy-and-hoppy/all-the-tea-in-china/feed 0
Dollroom Teasers http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/action-figures/dollroom-teasers http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/action-figures/dollroom-teasers#comments Fri, 07 Feb 2014 20:09:26 +0000 http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=957 My dollroom is almost done. I'm still waiting for some bookshelf lighting, and then it should be complete. I decided to take some test photos today before I show you the entire room. I'm really glad I took test shots. I found out I'll definitely need to set up some extra lights—it's kind of dark in there for the camera even with a flash.

Dollroom Teasers (2 of 4)

This is my Pullip Bloody Red Hood. Also, a few Golden Book Collections are visible—I so enjoyed those books when I was a kid. By the way, Mom, there is the air freshener you gave me from Christmas. 🙂

Dollroom Teasers (1 of 4)

These two cuties have been hanging out on the coffee table/chest for over a week. I never took box opening photos of the brunette bear girl since she arrived when I was in the midst of unpacking the doll room. She's adorable, however, and has made fast friends with the little fox girl. (I still have to come up with names for them. Any ideas?)

Last weekend, I straightened their hair (both hairstyles had been a little wavy from being in the box). I think they turned out pretty well. I might braid the silver fox girl's hair just to give it a different look. I've not decided yet.

Anyway, they have some new outfits that should be arriving today. I can't wait to try them on. 🙂

Dollroom Teasers (3 of 4)

I have some battery-operated bookshelf lighting coming soon. This display shelf really needs it. Loki and Captain America are a bit lost in its shadow.

Dollroom Teasers (4 of 4)

I'm so happy that I finally have to room to display my Muffy and Hoppy dolls. They've been in storage for many years. They're glad to get out their box too. 😉

http://bjd.atomicspacekitty.com/action-figures/dollroom-teasers/feed 3