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I have a lot of stuffed animals; some are sprinkled strategically around the apartment as decoration. 😉 The ones in the pictures mostly live tucked away in boxes until they get to come out for a photo shoot.
Oh, you did tell me about Dear Pillow! 🙂 I had forgotten. It's a cute name. I can't take credit for naming the little doll though. It's the name she came with.
]]>The stuffed animals are so adorable. I wish I had that many now but I fear a man would never enter my apartment again. Have you been collecting them?
Did I ever tell you that instead of writing Dear Diary, I wrote Dear Pillow when I was a wee teenager? 😀
]]>@gayl: heehee Wednesday really has a hard life, doesn't she? 😉 Thank you so much for the lovely comments! I've been practicing a lot with manual focusing rather than auto focus on my camera. I actually have a lot more control over my photography when I do manual focus, it seems. Anyway, it's been good practice.
@The Dad: Thanks, Dad! Love, The Big Girl 😉
@Mom: I knew you'd like it! 😀 I love Pillow's bed set too. It's so cute, and looks pretty yummy too.
Yeah, I sent Spampy a photo of the full-sized Pillow and she took it from there. I love the flower buttons that she used.
Also, I'm really happy that Wednesday's hair turned out like I wanted it too, although I had such a hard time tying that bow into it. The wig kept sliding around even though I had a wig cap under it. Finally, I just glued the damn thing to Wednesday's head. haha! That worked! No more sliding around and I was able to get the bow tied. (Don't worry, the glue is water soluble so it will come off. There were no Wednesday's harmed in the making of this photostory. 😉 )