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Strawberry Surprise

February 26th, 2015

Strawberry Surprise (1 of 2)

I recently subscribed to a monthly subcription box service for G1 My Little Ponies called "My Little Pony Express". The G1 ponies have always been my favorite, probably because they were the ponies I had when I was a kid. The person who runs this service, Ruth, also lets you send her a list of the ponies that you are looking for as well as the ponies that you already own (so that you won't receive any duplicates).

On Tuesday, I received my first pony. I subscribed to the "Classic Subscription Box – Three Months". As you can see, I got Strawberry Surpise, a Sweetberry pony, who I had on my list of ponies I wanted. There was a bit of mix up, however; she was still a bit dirty and she had some paint rubbed off of her left eye, but it was nothing that Magic Eraser and some acrylic paint couldn't fix.

I wrote to Ruth though and told her of my pony's rather scrappy appearance when she arrived (she was supposed to be clean and in "display" condition). Ruth couldn't have been nicer. She said she had never sent out a pony that was dirty before and that she felt very badly about the mistake. She even kindly offered me a refund or replacement. However, I am more than happy with how Strawberry Surprise turned out after a little TLC so I thanked her but declined the refund or replacement.

Anyway, despite the little hiccup with the slightly dirty pony, I'm really happy with the subscription box so far and I'm looking forward to seeing which pony will be sent next month. It boosts my confindence that Ruth is so approachable and concerned about her customers.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, the pony also arrives with an extra little gift (a MLP wallet, in my case), a comb or brush, a tail ribbon and a card with the pony's story on it.

Strawberry Surprise (2 of 2)


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