Christmas in the Dollroom
December 9th, 2014
Last year, almost everything in our house was still in moving boxes at Christmas time. So, it's been fun to decorate the house this year—even the dollroom got decorated.
Anyway, here's some quick pics I took with my cellphone.
October 1st, 2014
I dressed Charli in a new outfit today. I love it on her. She looks like a vampire hunter.
"I speak cat."
September 30th, 2014
Ethyn as "The Doctor"
September 29th, 2014
In my dolls' world, Ethyn is an actor and for the past few years he's been playing the part of "The Doctor". This is his most current costume.
Dollroom Close-ups (Part 3)
July 11th, 2014
I couldn't fit all of my BJDs into the armoire. Here are three of them sitting (or standing) out in the dollroom (left to right): Charli (Iplehouse SID Ashanti), Ethyn (Dollshe Hound), System (Lati Red Aida).