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Oh, Christmas Tree!

December 22nd, 2015

Oh, Christmas Tree... (1 of 9)

The Wee Ones are so excited for Christmas and fascinated by the beautiful tree. They are all prepared for Santa too—the cookies and milk have already been set out. Molly has even brought her Glo-Worm so she can more closely inspect the presents under the tree.

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Thanksgiving Helpers

November 23rd, 2011

Thanksgiving Helpers (1 of 7)

So the Wee Ones said they would make desert for Thanksgiving. I readily agreed as I don't like to cook. But, I soon realized there might have been a miscommunication. I asked them if they thought they were making their treats too small; after all, almost everyone in the house is bigger than these little ones.

I told them that perhaps it would be better to make one ginormous (compared to them) desert (i.e. pumpkin pie, please). They disagreed and said they would just make a lot of regular-sized (compared to them) deserts. What could I say to that? I guess we'll just be eating mini-sized treats on Thanksgiving. More room for dinner, I guess. 😉

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Birthday Girl

June 21st, 2011

Birthday Girl (1 of 5)

Yesterday was my birthday, and the Wee Ones were excited to celebrate it. They love my birthday because not only do they get cake but they know that it will more than likely mean presents for themselves as well. And, in this case they were right!

Over the next few days, I'll post pictures of my dolls with their (my!) new gifts.

Meanwhile, in the picture above, the stuffed good luck cat and the stuffed piglet are from my sister (so cute!). The dress that Wednesday (Lati Green Coco) is wearing is from my mom (I love it!).

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Breakfast (1 of 2)

Molly: I think she wants my toast.

Alice: Cats don't like toast.

Molly: I like toast.

Alice: I meant real cats.

Molly: …

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Behind the Scenes

January 20th, 2011

These pictures were taken back in March 2010. The other day, I found them just sitting there on my computer. I don't remember why I took them or why I didn't take pictures of all my dolls. Probably, because the lighting in my bedroom is so horrible. XD

They are all set up differently now, but I still thought it would be fun to show you where my dolls hang out when I'm not taking pictures of them.

Benind the Scenes (1 of 4)

Anyway, this is Emily (with her old face-up) and Ethyn. Tahlvin is standing in back of them, but I didn't take a better picture of him.

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