What are ball joint dolls (BJDs)?
Well, they are dolls that have ball joints for movement and flexibility. A simplistic explanation, I know. Many BJDs are from Asia (Korea and Japan mostly) although there are a few being made in the US now. I highly recommend checking out bjd_wtf for a more thorough (and much better) explanation.

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I'm very interested in getting one (or more) for myself. Where can I go for information about BJDs?
Again, I recommend going to bjd_wtf. That's where I started when I first got into the hobby. Next step would be to join the Den of Angels forum. This is an invaluable reference site as you can find pictures and information on almost any BJD out there.

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Are they expensive?
Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: They can range in price from about $250-$2500. I've seen some limited edition dolls sell for about $4500 on the secondary market (e.g. eBay). You also must factor in the price of clothing (which usually costs as much or more than human clothing), wigs, eyes, and accessories as most dolls are only available nude. Even if you buy a clothed doll (usually a special edition or limited doll), I'm sure you'd want to buy clothes for him or her.

Also be aware that when I say most dolls are available nude that also means they don't come with a face-up (make-up) either. This usually costs extra. It is done this way because some people want to paint the doll themselves, or they have an artist that they want to paint it, or they have a particular customization in mind. Some companies will do customized face-ups and some will only do the default face-ups that you see on the protype doll. Be sure to ask before you order the face-up.

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But if most of them are sold nude, why are they so expensive?
In addition to all the extras you might buy for them (see the above question), I'll refer you to bjd_wtf, and specifically to this article.

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Where did you get your dolls/outfit/wig/etc.?
I try to include credits for the clothes, etc. at the end of each of my photo shoot posts. Here are links to some of my favorite stores (the first two listed are located in Korea so be aware of extra shipping costs): Iplehouse, Dollmore, Cheery Doll, Denver Doll Emporium, Dolls and Friends, and JPopDolls.

I bought Ethyn, my Dollshe Hound, through Iplehouse, and Dominik, my Unidoll Jace, I ordered directly from Unidoll.

Some items I bought through sellers/artists in the Den of Angels marketplace. In order to shop there, you must 1) have been a member of the forum for at least 25 days, and 2) have made 40 posts on the board (not as hard to do as it sounds. Go to the "gallery" section and comment on other people's doll photos…it's fun to do anyway). This is done as a precaution to prevent fraud.

Also, eBay is a great place to get clothes, accessories or even dolls.

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How can I contact you?
You can either leave a comment on one of my posts or you can use the contact form on my Worlds Apart site.

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