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Face Forward, Part II

December 30th, 2011

Here are the rest of the mosaics showing my dolls' face-ups from their first to their most current look.

Face-ups, Part II (1 of 5)

Tahlvin (Dollshe IM Hound) Face-up Credits:
top left: Switchblade Aesthetics
bottom left: elisa_maza of Angel Toast
right: SDink

Note: As I was putting Tahlvin's mosaic together, I realized I hadn't taken a picture of his new face-up yet despite him having it for almost a year now. I had to take a special picture just for this mosaic. *hangs head in shame* I've made it a personal goal to take more pictures of my dolls in 2012.

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Fan Mail

April 7th, 2010

Julian says "Thank you, Kit!"

So, I ordered a shirt from one of my friends on Den of Angels. It arrived last night from Australia with a little paper-heart letter to Julian signed by Hydrakitten and her boys. So cute! And, of course, he wanted to say "thank you!". ♥


September 28th, 2009

Rosenrot (1 of 15)

Kaylee stars in Julian's new video "Rosenrot" (Rose Red) as a Lolita-like character who tempts Julian's character into a forbidden romance. :halo:

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Publicity Photos

May 25th, 2009

Publicity Photos (1 of 15)

My lovely friend Ann (angelfish_68 on flickr) sent these awesome yellow-tinted Elfdoll sunglasses to Julian and the other guys (although, Julian has claimed them as his own).

Julian liked them so much that he decided to wear them during the photo shoot for his new single "Too Much Love Can Kill You".

So, this series of pictures is dedicated to Ann. Thank you so much!

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May 5th, 2009

Songwriter (1 of 7)

I don't have too much to say as an introduction to this set of photos other than "I think Julian looks so artistic when done in black and white". 😉

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