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A Change of Clothes

September 15th, 2014

Julia's New Outfit

I've been unable to use my computer to edit my DSLR photos lately so I thought I'd at least post some of the pics I've been taking with my phone. Better than nothing, right? 😉

Anyway, I changed my Minifees recently. Julia is wearing the new heels my sister got her last Christmas. They are so cute! I've got to get some more for her. Also, she's usually a brunette, but the yellow wig is a fun change.

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Dollroom Close-ups (Part 4)

July 12th, 2014

Dollroom Close-ups, Part 3 (2 of 4)

My Minifees, Julia (MNF Chloe) and Kaylee (MNF Shushu) hang out on the bookshelf as well. Atleast they have plenty of reading material so they won't get bored.

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Face Forward, Part I

December 23rd, 2011

I've been wanting to do this for a while now: make mosaics of my dolls showing all the face-ups they've had, from the first to the most current.

Face-ups, Part I (1 of 5)

Brandee (Limhwa Elly) Face-up Credits:
top and bottom left: Limhwa default (yes, they are both the same face-up, except for the beauty mark I added on the bottom picture, but I couldn't decide what picture to use…XD )
right: Xtreme Dolls/Cristy Stone

Note: The Cristy Stone face-up is amazing. I love it! There's only one problem I'm having with it: Brandee is Emily's (my Supia Rosy's) mother and her face-up seems a bit too perfect when compared to Emily's more realistic one. I keep wondering if they should have face-ups by the same artist. Too bad Emily's face-up artist is no longer around. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I definitely won't be wiping Emily's face-up though—I love how much character and realism it has (see below).

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Our Dolls, Part 4

October 14th, 2011

Our Dolls, Part 4 (1 of 4)

All three of our Minifee girls together! I've wanted to see them like this for awhile now. From left to right: Julia, Kaylee, and Selene.

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Minifee Face-Ups

March 2nd, 2011

My Minifees are done! Meggilu contacted me today to let me know Kaylee (MNF Shushu) and Jules (MNF Chloe) are ready to come home. They look great! I asked Meggilu if I could post her pictures of them here because I couldn't wait to show them off.

MNF Shushu
MNF Shushu by meggilu, on Flickr

MNF Chloe
MNF Chloe by meggilu, on Flickr