The Misfits
January 21st, 2015
I'm getting ready to change the display on this shelf so I wanted to get a few picture of The Misfits before I put them away.
Dollroom Close-ups (Part 2)
July 10th, 2014
(I'm effectively caught up on posting photos to the blog. Yay!)
(Left to right): Raya, Aja, Jem, Shana, Kimber.
Continuing the dollroom tour, I have my Jem dolls displayed on my bookshelf. This will be a rotating display—Jem and the Holograms will have to make way for The Misfits or The Stingers next.
Color Infusion
March 7th, 2013
(NOTE: There are additional links below each photo to view it against a dark background. I think the photos look better that way.)
I grew up in the 80s and was totally a Jem Girl. My sister and I played with the dolls and watched the cartoon religiously. I even recorded the songs (with a tape deck set up in front of the TV speaker) from the show so that our dolls could put on concerts. 🙂
Our Dolls, Part 3
October 13th, 2011
Continuing the pictures of my dolls with my sister's dolls…
My sister's doll Aren (Soom Angel Aren) has three Ken boyfriends at her home, but that didn't stop her from checking out my Fashion Royalty boys. Darius was the lucky guy to get his picture taken with her—he was very happy with the decision. She looks quite excited about it as well. Don't they look adorable together? I think my sister might want to get a Darius now.
Birthday Stuff, Part III
June 24th, 2011
I've actually had Mina (the brunette) for a few months now, but my husband got me the Contessa (the blonde) for my birthday. I so love these vampire girls. They love to tease and torment my other dolls. 😉