All the Tea in China

February 3rd, 2015

All the Tea in China

This photo has been sitting on my desktop for months waiting for me to post it, and I keep forgetting to do it. Poor Muffy and Hoppy! They are so neglected. 🙂

Dollroom Teasers

February 7th, 2014

My dollroom is almost done. I'm still waiting for some bookshelf lighting, and then it should be complete. I decided to take some test photos today before I show you the entire room. I'm really glad I took test shots. I found out I'll definitely need to set up some extra lights—it's kind of dark in there for the camera even with a flash.

Dollroom Teasers (2 of 4)

This is my Pullip Bloody Red Hood. Also, a few Golden Book Collections are visible—I so enjoyed those books when I was a kid. By the way, Mom, there is the air freshener you gave me from Christmas. 🙂

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