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Afterword with Loki

March 28th, 2014

Afterword with Loki

Me: "Okay, Loki, what's going on?"

Loki: "With what?"

Me: "Oh, come on. You know…with Berry."

Loki: "I just brought her some presents. What's wrong with that?"

Me: "If you were anyone else, I might not expect them of an ulterior motive, but, well, you're you…"

Loki: "Indeed, I am."

Me: *rolls eyes* "Loki…"

Loki: "Very well. I'll just say that a dragon would be very helpful in gaining my rightful place as king of the dollroom. And then, of course, there's always Ragnarok."

Me: "That's what I thought. You dolls can work out whatever hierarchy you want, as for Ragnarok… But leave Berry alone—she's off limits. Understand?"

Loki: *sighs* "She's not necessary to my plans; she just would have made things either. I'll respect your wishes."

Me: "It sounds like you mean just 'for now'."

Loki: *shrugs* "I mean what I say. Now, I'm getting bored. It's time to annoy Natasha and Steve."


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4 Responses to “Afterword with Loki”

  1. Mom says:

    For now I am glad little Berry is not being pestered!!!! 🙂 King of the doll room huh!! That will be interesting:) Love M

  2. AtomicSpaceKitty says:

    Yes, Berry is living (and eating) in peace in her little house. 🙂

    I think Loki will have a bit of a fight on his hands to become King of the dollroom since Thane, my satyr, is currently holding that position. 😉

  3. Alasse Carnesir says:

    Do I trust his word to keep Berry out of it? Not likely. He has a face riddled with mischief and lies! Let's hope he is more scared of your wrath than his own desires!

    I am always so amazed at how realistic these Hot Toys figures are. And his hair looks so real the way it has been sculpted. And those eyes … I am blown away.

  4. AtomicSpaceKitty says:

    Yeah, it's wise not to trust Loki even when he seems to be sincere. That's probably when he should be trusted the least! 😉 I'm sure my discussion with him has only served to make him more circumspect.

    Hot Toys eyes are quite life-like. They have a gloss over them that gives off the nice shine effect. My Captain Jack and Indiana Jones even have eyes that can be moved.

    I love Loki's sculpted hair too. Actually, I wish all my Hot Toys figures had sculpted hair, but the two female figures—Black Widow and Angelica, from Pirates of the Caribbean—have fiber hair. The fiber hair is so fly away and so hard to style; it drives me absolutely batty.

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