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October 29th, 2014

Clubhouse (1 of 4)

I had wanted to take these photos outside; however, it's been so wet out lately, and cardboard and water don't mix well. I'll try again next year…when we are once again out of our rainy season. XD Until then, at least I can show you how cute the Azone girls' clubhouse is. They enjoyed hanging out in it all summer.

In case you're curious, it's a Muffy Vanderbear clubhouse.

Clubhouse (2 of 4)

Rila is taking the clubhouse oath and becoming an official member. She even got to choose her own password.

Clubhouse (3 of 4)

Kit likes to take care of the stray animals she finds in the forest.

Clubhouse (4 of 4)

Jean likes to go off by herself sometimes…well, except for the totoros—they are always good company.


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