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Kitchen Fun

March 12th, 2015

Kitchen Fun (1 of 5)

I'm going to take better and more detailed pictures of this diorama later, but my Azone girls looked so cute (and the kitchen took so long to set up) that I had to take some quick pics to show it off. 🙂

Kitchen Fun (2 of 5)


Kitchen Fun (3 of 5)


Kitchen Fun (4 of 5)


Kitchen Fun (5 of 5)


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3 Responses to “Kitchen Fun”

  1. Mom says:

    This set up is dynamite!!!!!! The girls look Fantastic and I just love the KITCHEN SETUP!!!! Nice job Can't wait to see it in person if it is still up when I get there!! Love Mom

  2. AlasseCarnesir says:

    That is such a great looking kitchen. I love all your little rements too. It's a nice scale for the Azone girls.

  3. AtomicSpaceKitty says:

    @Mom: Thank you, Mom! Yep, I'm sure it'll still be set up when you get here. It took so long to set up that I want to keep it for awhile. 🙂

    @AlasseCarnesir: Thank you! It's a great excuse to use my food mart Re-ments. Yeah, I think the kitchen fits the Azones really well too. It's supposed to be for Barbies, but I think it's a little short for them.

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