Presents for Mom
February 19th, 2010
(I'm playing catch up on posting pictures. XD )
My mom ordered a Lati Green Coco in normal skin back in October (I think). This doll would be her second BJD (she also has a Pipos Baha kitty). So, for Christmas I got her some wigs and eyes for her incoming doll. I took pictures of my Coco, Wednesday, modeling the items so that Mom could see what they looked like and emailed the pictures to her on Christmas morning.
Mom's Birthday Surprise
September 20th, 2009
It was my mom's birthday yesterday (she and my dad are visiting from out-of-town; they have been touring the country in their 5th-wheel camper), so I set the Wee Ones up on the table to wish her a Happy Birthday. Notice that her slice of cake, and the little chair with the crown is all ready for her. 😉
You can also see her presents in the background. They are from my sis and I. We got her some Re-ment and Ginny clothes.
Counting Sheep
April 23rd, 2009
Wee Wednesday has been dressed in her sheep outfit for awhile now so, when my sister sent me a stuffed lamb for Easter, I had an idea for a little photo shoot. Wednesday, of course, claimed the lamb right away and named him Mr. McSheepersons. (I think someone visits Cute Overload too much. 😮 )
Winter Picnic
February 16th, 2009
The weather up here hasn't been very cooperative, so the girls decided to have a picnic indoors.
The Stranger, a fanfic
January 31st, 2009
My friend and faithful reader of my blogs, Reyoko, wrote a wonderful fantasy starring Kaylee (MNF Shushu), Katriss (Soom Beryl), Wednesday (Lati Green Coco) and Ethyn (DS Hound). It's called "The Stranger" and was inspired by my Rainy Day Dreams photo shoot and a subsequent discussion that we had about a story idea. As it doesn't directly tie into my characters' stories, I'm going to consider it a movie or play that some of them starred in. 🙂
Thank you so much, Reyoko! I'm very flattered that my photography and dolls inspired you enough to write a story. I hope you continue it someday. I want to find out what happens next. :XO: