The New Girl, Part 01
December 23rd, 2010
Author's Note: My new girl arrived on Tuesday (Dec. 21). I wanted to do a box opening to celebrate her arrival, but I wanted to do something a little different…
The dolls:
Wednesday: Lati Green Coco
Kaylee: Minifee Shushu
Kaylee: Wednesday.
Snow Day
November 23rd, 2010
It was a snow day today (you can read about my thrilling snow adventure at my lj), so Wednesday didn't have to go to school. Instead she couldn't wait to play outside. Unfortunately, it was really cold so she didn't get to stay out for very long. Wouldn't want her to get frostbite, ya know? 😉
Sisters: Tuesday and Wednesday
March 19th, 2010
So, I mentioned a while ago that my mom had ordered a Lati Green Coco. Well, Tuesday (as my mom had named her) arrived at my house in the first week of January (yes, these pictures are a few months old). She came to me first so that I could do some work on her (i.e. put her new eyes in and hot glue-suede her joints) before sending her on to Mom.
Tuesday's visit with me was very short, but I managed to get some pictures of her and Wednesday together before packing her back up for her trip to Tucson. Wednesday was sad to say goodbye to her sister.
Little Drummer Girl
February 25th, 2010
My sister visited my parents in Tuscon, Arizona last weekend (for my Dad's birthday). While she was there, they all went to DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun where they got Wednesday this little drum. It was a total surprise when I received the package yesterday. Isn't it cute?
Happy Birthday, Dad!
February 21st, 2010
Today is my Dad's birthday. Wednesday drew him a picture of the new house he and my mom bought (to live in during the winter months when they aren't traveling around the country with their camper) and of him standing outside it. She drew the sun because Dad's in Arizona. She said if they had bought a house in Washington, she would have drawn a raincloud. Isn't she talented? 😉 Alice snuck into the picture too to say hi.