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Dollroom Teasers

February 7th, 2014

My dollroom is almost done. I'm still waiting for some bookshelf lighting, and then it should be complete. I decided to take some test photos today before I show you the entire room. I'm really glad I took test shots. I found out I'll definitely need to set up some extra lightsβ€”it's kind of dark in there for the camera even with a flash.

Dollroom Teasers (2 of 4)

This is my Pullip Bloody Red Hood. Also, a few Golden Book Collections are visibleβ€”I so enjoyed those books when I was a kid. By the way, Mom, there is the air freshener you gave me from Christmas. πŸ™‚

Dollroom Teasers (1 of 4)

These two cuties have been hanging out on the coffee table/chest for over a week. I never took box opening photos of the brunette bear girl since she arrived when I was in the midst of unpacking the doll room. She's adorable, however, and has made fast friends with the little fox girl. (I still have to come up with names for them. Any ideas?)

Last weekend, I straightened their hair (both hairstyles had been a little wavy from being in the box). I think they turned out pretty well. I might braid the silver fox girl's hair just to give it a different look. I've not decided yet.

Anyway, they have some new outfits that should be arriving today. I can't wait to try them on. πŸ™‚

Dollroom Teasers (3 of 4)

I have some battery-operated bookshelf lighting coming soon. This display shelf really needs it. Loki and Captain America are a bit lost in its shadow.

Dollroom Teasers (4 of 4)

I'm so happy that I finally have to room to display my Muffy and Hoppy dolls. They've been in storage for many years. They're glad to get out their box too. πŸ˜‰


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3 Responses to “Dollroom Teasers”

  1. Alasse Carnesir says:

    I can only dream of one day having a room to myself to have all my craft stuff in and my dioramas and dolls. Maybe one day…

    Oh my gosh, there's the Eleventh Doctor! Gosh he looks fantastic. What is his height?

    And those Hot Toys figures are really amazing. I was tempted by the Captain Harlock one.

    I was going to say I didn't know you had two Azone girls. They look great together. It's hard trying to find those Ex-Cute girls. I normally buy my anime style stuff from Hobbysearch but they've sold out of all of them and ebay prices for them are high …

    Hmm, as for names … Mia, Kendra, Lisa … I'm hopeless with names. I tend to just search up "Female baby names" or something like that and go through the list and pick one at random. That's how I pretty much name most of my dolls. If I'm looking specifically for a Irish name, I'll just google "Female/Male Irish names". Or I sometimes use the Seventh Sanctum character name generator if it's more fantasy.

    I've seen this Pullip character around. I've been trying so hard to resist Pullips. I've already started to collect three additional doll lines in addition to my BJDs … do I really need to add one more? But I really love the Lunatic Queen Pullip and the Gosick Victorique Pullip … decisions, decisions …

    Can't wait to see more of your doll room. Been really liking the rooms you've been showing on flickr.

  2. Mom says:

    Oh I am loving it!!!! I can see where you need more lighting in the shadow boxes. I love their set up. The two Azone girls one looks like Espresso and the Champagne or Creme!!!! As for Irish names I do not know many. Looking forward to the rest πŸ™‚

  3. AtomicSpaceKitty says:

    @Alasse Carnesir: I'm greatly enjoying having a dollroom. I've not had one since I still lived with my parents. It's not quite big enough to have all my dolls, crafts, and dioramas out at the same time, but it's a lot better than our old apartment where my dolls lived in our bedroom. Now they won't spill out into the rest of the house; however, I'll still do crafts and body blushing at the dining room table. πŸ˜›

    Thank you! I love the Eleventh Doctor. He's fun to have around because I can imagine him interacting with any of my dolls (especially since he's been doll-sized before, in the show). I'm not exactly sure of his height since I've not measured him, but I would guess he is between 11"-12"β€”taller than the Black Widow, but shorter than Loki.

    Hot Toys are a major temptation, let me tell you. They are so well-made and so detailed. I saw Captain Harlock too and almost got him but somehow managed to resist (he really looks amazing though and I bet he'd look great with Capt. Jack Sparrow).

    I got both of my girls off eBay for relatively reasonable prices (below $200) but, yes, there is usually quite a bit of a markup there. They are sometimes on Amazon too, but those prices seem to be on par with eBay. Have you checked out Mandarake (just do a search for "Azone")? I've seen a few Ex-Cute dolls there.

    I know…I have the hardest time coming up with names too. I also use the Seventh Sanctum generator, usually for my gaming characters. πŸ™‚ I'm currently thinking of naming the girls "Kit" (short for "Kitsune") and "Rila" (named after "Rilakkuma" the relaxed bear πŸ˜‰ ).

    haha! Yeah, with so many cute dolls around, it's sometimes really hard not to branch out into new collections. I totally understand! πŸ™‚ Pullip is a fun doll to collect because it's fairly easy to customize her a bit (i.e. give her a different body, change her eye chips, add thicker eyelashes, change her wig). I've managed to limit myself to only two Pullips (and one Taeyang) so far. But there are so many cute ones out there. The ones you mentioned are really pretty. :XO:

    P.S. You may hate me for telling you this, but I found Pullip Gosick Victorique for sale on Junky Spot for about half of what she usually sells for. πŸ˜‰

    @Mom: Thank you! The lights arrived yesterday and I think they are going to work. I need to figure out how I'm going to hang them though. I want something that isn't permanent and is easy to remove, but will hold the lights securely since they will be over my dolls' heads. I think I might try Command strips.

    Oh, and I wasn't looking for Irish names, Alasse was just using that as an example. πŸ™‚

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