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Shades of Grey

March 2nd, 2010

X-posted with Worlds Apart

A couple more pictures of Edmond, just because I love him so much. He was waiting (im)patiently to take pictures with Emily. And, yes, next time you'll get to see Edmond and Emily together (finally). :XO:

Shades of Grey (1 of 2)

Shades of Grey (2 of 2)

Oh, and last week I took him apart and did his body blushing. Ball joint dolls are anatomically correct, so yes, I blushed everything. 8)

shirt and belt by Crobidoll
pants by Vier4D
suspenders by Iplehouse
scarf/hood by Anotherspace
jewelry by Dollmore (cuff and skull ring), Nine9 Style (necklace and cuff), Orangebabydolly (silver band rings)
wig by Monique (Pretty Girl-Off Black)
eyes by Dollshe (Light Blue 12mm)
face-up by SDink


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5 Responses to “Shades of Grey”

  1. Mom says:

    Everything huh!! You go girl!!! He looks absolutely handsome I bet Emily can't wait. Nice job hon. 😀

  2. Maranwet says:

    Yes! Yes! Spam us some more with Edmond :XO:

  3. Kara says:

    @Mom: heehee Yep! It's one of my favorite things, besides nipples, to blush. Maybe because the colors aren't as subtle as the rest of the body.

    @Maranwet: *salutes* Will do! 😉

  4. Delune says:

    I really need to get over my phobia of taking my doll apart because I really need to tighten his stringing.

    I love Edmond. I love his face sculpt and I love how very mature and mysterious he looks in your photos. He has that really beautiful one of a kind face on him too.

  5. Kara says:

    Just try to draw a diagram of the stringing as you unstring your doll, that way you'll have a reminder on how to restring him. I'm not sure how your doll is strung, but this tutorial really helped me when I first did Ethyn (my Dollshe Hound).

    And thank you! I adore Saint sculpts. I'm so happy to finally have one after drooling over other peoples' for so long. haha

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