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Portraits of the Maiden

February 23rd, 2010

X-posted with Worlds Apart

I'm so happy that I can finally introduce you to Emily Shadowtalon. She is the incarnation of a Sims 2 character of mine. She is also Edmond's (my Saint's) love interest and Tahlvin's (my IM Hound's) daughter, which makes her a half-elf since her mother is human.

Portraits of the Maiden, 1 of 3

She's not quite complete though. First of all, this isn't her final face-up. She'll be getting her a new one in April (I made an appointment with the artist back in January). I had Supiadoll (the company she came from) give her the current face-up so that I could at least enjoy her until she goes to get her permanent look. Unfortunately, at the moment she has reddish eyebrows, hence the heavy fringe strategically hiding her brows. haha

Also, while she's away, I'll be doing her body blushing and giving her tattoos (the most important tattoo being the one on her hand that matches Tahlvin'sβ€”it's their clan tattoo). I'm a bit nervous about that. I've never done tattoos before–that is hand drawn tatts instead of water transfer ones.

Portraits of the Maiden, 2 of 3
Portraits of the Maiden, 3 of 3

She stole Edmond's glasses. XD

More pictures will be forthcoming including some of Emily and Edmond together. Until then, I know one thing for sure: Edmond is damn glad that she's finally here. :XO:


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3 Responses to “Portraits of the Maiden”

  1. Delune says:

    Oh My. She is gorgeous. I can't stop looking at her. She looks great with this face up but I am certainly looking forward to the face up you are planning to get her too.

    Emily is certainly a good match for Edmond.

    All your dolls are so lovely and Emily is certainly just as lovely as the other dolls you have.

    Edmond's glasses look great on her. :XO:

  2. Lani says:

    She is beautiful. I have hair envy. I wish I looked good in bangs.

    Have fun Kara ~ I'm sure you will with the posing. There is bound to be a lot of drama in the house now! πŸ™‚

  3. Kara says:

    @Delune: Thank you so much! I'm very happy with the face-up that Supiadoll gave her. It definitely makes the wait until she goes to get her "official" face-up more bearable.

    I'm so pleased with her in every way. I really had a hard time finding a girl doll that I thought could portray Emily, so I searched for a long time. But, after seeing this sculpt pop up around the community again and again, I thought she'd be up for the task. I was right. Just like Edmond, I'm so excited to have her here too. heehee

    @Lani: Thank you, babe! πŸ˜‰ I could have sworn you had bangs once. I thought you looked really good with them. …Or am I just mis-remembering things. haha

    And, oh yes…I'm having a lot of fun with the posing. Maybe too much fun? 8)

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