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Behind the Scenes

January 20th, 2011

These pictures were taken back in March 2010. The other day, I found them just sitting there on my computer. I don't remember why I took them or why I didn't take pictures of all my dolls. Probably, because the lighting in my bedroom is so horrible. XD

They are all set up differently now, but I still thought it would be fun to show you where my dolls hang out when I'm not taking pictures of them.

Benind the Scenes (1 of 4)

Anyway, this is Emily (with her old face-up) and Ethyn. Tahlvin is standing in back of them, but I didn't take a better picture of him.

Benind the Scenes (2 of 4)

The Wee Ones: Wednesday, Alice and Molly. I think their outfits are cute. Thane, my Soom Sard, is sitting behind them.

Benind the Scenes (3 of 4)

Ethyn and his dog Baxter. The dog is from American Girl.

Benind the Scenes (4 of 4)

Close-up of Ethyn, just because. 🙂


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7 Responses to “Behind the Scenes”

  1. Mom says:

    Good thing you found these pictures they are fantastic. Emily and Ethyn look so relaxed on the leather sofa with Baxter. I love the clothes and jewlery. As usual I can't get over how precious the wee ones and Wednesday are. Molly's hat is a hoot. The ribbons on Alice's ears crack me up with her sweet face. I love their dresses and Alice's sweater. Wednesday's hair(is that the mohair wig just pulled up and secured with clips) looks so casual and cute with that outfit. Are those the eyes Tuesday now has? Ethyn's portrait shot is a hottie one. Love me :XO:

  2. Kara says:

    Thanks so much, Mom! Yep, those are the eyes that I sent to Tuesday. 🙂

  3. Lani says:

    I want Baxter!

  4. Kara says:

    He's really cute, isn't he? I've loved basset hounds since I was a kid and had Hush Puppies shoes (their mascot was a basset puppy :XO: ).

  5. Aunt Cher says:

    Well, he can come visit me anytime! Yukon could play with Baxter! I love hunks visiting.
    Hee hee. 😀

  6. Kara says:

    heehee! Yukon is just a wee bit bigger than Baxter. 😉

  7. Aunt Cher says:

    Just a wee bit. But little dogs are fearless!

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