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Dolls Coming in 2011

January 10th, 2011

Dolls Coming in 2011
Photos are property of [from left to right] Latidoll and Fairyland

I have a couple of dolls that I'm expecting in 2011.

As a Christmas present, I ordered the Feeple65 Chloe fullset, which includes the outfit and wig (also, since I ordered her during the Winter Event, I get her engraved arm set and a human Chloe dreaming faceplate). Since Thanksgiving, I had been following the teasers for her (NSFW) and was pretty much blown away. I love Minifee girls and their poseability so I'm really excited that Fairyland is making dolls in the 65cm range now too. She'll be my first fullset from Fairyland. I know a ton of people ordered her or her partner Roke, so I'm not sure what her shipping schedule will be but I hope she ships by March. *crosses fingers*

I also broke down and finally ordered a Lati Yellow. I've wanted one of these cuties for a long time now but have somehow managed to resist. I went back and forth between a Coco and Byurl (pronounced "bee-url"), but I decided to go with Byurl since I already have a Lati Green Coco. (Maybe I'll get a Lati Yellow Coco in the future? XD )

Latidoll has been horrible with their shipping schedule this year, since they overextended themselves with so many doll releases, so I'm not going to start expecting my doll until this summer (eep!). However, I'm hoping I'm overestimating since my girl is just a basic doll not one of the limiteds; however, I did order a custom face-up for her so…I don't know. Oh, Lati, don't let me down! *knocks on wood*


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4 Responses to “Dolls Coming in 2011”

  1. Mom says:

    Oh Kara I love the Lati Yellow. 😆 She is precious. How much smaller is she than Wednesday? Your new Feeple65 is a beautiful girl. How big is she compared to Kaylee? More clothes and photo sessions. Did you photograph Wednesday in her PJ's. :XO:

  2. Kara says:

    Isn't the Lati Yellow adorable? I won't make the final decision until she gets here, but I'm thinking of naming her Scout. She's about half the size of Wednesday (she's 16cm compared to Wednesday's 30cm), so she'll be just a tiny bit taller than Molly (my Pipos kitty).

    There is also a Lati Yellow Special doll that is 20cm (like your Callie). They come with the same heads as the smaller Lati Yellows but their bodies are a little taller (here's a size comparison). I almost got the 20cm doll, but went with the 16cm so that she could share clothes with Molly.

    As for the Feeple65 Chloe, she'll be about the same size as Katriss, my Soom Beryl (the doll who was dressed in the Rococo dress when you were here).

    Wednesday is about ready for her photo session. She spent all weekend with a wig drying on her head. I curled one of her fur wigs. 🙂

  3. Aunt Cher says:

    Hey! Do you remember our rabbit Scout? That's a cute name. She's adorable. I think that Latidoll makes terrific kids.
    I haven't been on here awhile and am enjoying your photos as always!

  4. Kara says:

    Oh, I remember Scout! Yeah, the name always reminds me of To Kill a Mockingbird. I loved the character of Scout.

    Love you! ♥

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