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Face Forward, Part II

December 30th, 2011

Here are the rest of the mosaics showing my dolls' face-ups from their first to their most current look.

Face-ups, Part II (1 of 5)

Tahlvin (Dollshe IM Hound) Face-up Credits:
top left: Switchblade Aesthetics
bottom left: elisa_maza of Angel Toast
right: SDink

Note: As I was putting Tahlvin's mosaic together, I realized I hadn't taken a picture of his new face-up yet despite him having it for almost a year now. I had to take a special picture just for this mosaic. *hangs head in shame* I've made it a personal goal to take more pictures of my dolls in 2012.

Face-ups, Part II (2 of 5)

Julian (Soom Super Gem Spinel) Face-up Credits:
left: Soom Custom with lips by AtomicSpaceKitty
right: SDink

Note: I must take more pictures of Julian too! I miss him!

Face-ups, Part II (3 of 5)

Katriss (Soom Super Gem Beryl ~ Never-Ending Dream April 2008 Ltd.) Face-up Credits:
top left: Soom Default
top right: Kittymaru
bottom left: ShallowSleep
bottom right: Cristy Stone of X-treme Dolls

Note: I had the hardest time finding a look that I was completely happy with for Katriss. Her current face-up, by Cristy Stone, perfectly captures the character of Katriss, I think. I can't envision her any other way now.

Face-ups, Part II (4 of 5)

Kaylee (Fairyland Minifee Shushu) Face-up Credits:
left: Kittymaru
right: Meggilu

Note: Kaylee also had a Shushu default face-up by Fairyland but I never took a picture of it. When she first arrived, she was here for only a few hours before I wiped the default face-up off and sent her head away to get a new face-up (by Kittymaru).

Face-ups, Part II (5 of 5)

Thane (Soom Sard ~ Night Odyssey May 2008 Ltd.) Face-up Credits:
left: elisa_maza of Angel Toast
right: ShallowSleep

Note: Thane's first face-up ended up flaking off through no fault of the face-up artist. It turned out that his face was very rough which caused there to be bubbles when the MSC was sprayed on it and acrylics painted over it. It wasn't noticeable unless you looked closely, but then the face-up started chipping… 🙁 Before I sent him to ShallowSleep, I sanded his entire face and got it silky smooth. I didn't want another face-up to flake off!


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3 Responses to “Face Forward, Part II”

  1. Mom says:

    Hey this was fun to study. Thalvin's recent face up is perfect for him. I like the coloring on his lips and the eye makeup they are great. Julian looks more sculpted and new look makes him even "Hotter". i agree with you about Katriss. When she had the other looks I didn't think to much about it but now that you have her more intense color look I agree that is it!!!Kaylees faceup now is totally her and I love the freckles. Now for Thane, I didn't realize you had to sand his face. Yeah after having him with a new face-up that would not have been great. I think he does not even look like the same doll, but for his character you have made for him he is perfect. Love the photos. You must be better. Love, Me :XO: :up:

  2. The Sis says:

    Well, if Thane ever needs a vaca, he knows where he can come visit…. LOL …but really not joking… 😉

  3. AtomicSpaceKitty says:

    @Mom: Thank you! Yeah, Thane turned out to be a lot of work. His face was so rough. I hadn't noticed it the first time I sent him off for a face-up. But, it may have been a blessing in disguise since I love his second face-up is perfect for him.

    @The Sis: Thanks, Sis! heehee Why am I not surprised by your offer? 😉

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