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May 13th, 2008

Since I staged an "official" box-opening for Alice, I couldn't refuse to do one for Molly as well. Hopefully, with my next doll, I won't be too lazy to take the pictures when the doll actually arrives and not months after the fact. haha!

Molly arrived from Piposdoll in a pretty gold box decorated like a present. I loved that little touch.

Luckily, I had an eager helper.

They kill me with their cuteness.

Molly ~ Piposdoll Ringo Limited Witch

I love her little outfit.

A little note: Do you notice, in the pictures, that Molly's toes and fingers are blushed a glossy pink? Well, that gloss always felt a little tacky to me, like it never quite dried. It also seemed to attract lint and dirt that adhered to the gloss. So, after a careful and nerve-wracking cleaning of her paws (hoping that I wasn't going to accidently remove her blushing), I sprayed a matte sealant (ZM Finishing Powder Spray UV-Cut) over the gloss. No longer do her paws attract dirt or feel tacky. Yay! I actually think I like the matte finish better anyway.

I also ordered some new eyes for Molly. I really like her current ones, but I love Gumdrop Eyes (like Dominik has) so I got her some Majestic Magenta. I hope they arrive soon.


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4 Responses to “Bewitched”

  1. Mom says:

    I agree Molly also needed a grand opening. They are the cutest!!!! Alice has the greatest little outfit!!! Bewitched is truly a great name for Molly's outfit. Where is Sora?

  2. Kara says:

    heehee That's one of my favorite outfits for Alice too. It just seems to fit her personality so well. And she seems extra cute in it…if that's even possible!

    Sora was actually behaving herself so no pictures of her this time. haha!

  3. Cassie says:

    It's been sooo long since I visited your site. Much apologies! 🙂
    Anyway, I love the cute little gold box that Molly came in, and her little witch dress. It's a total cuteness overload!

  4. Cher says:

    Well, it is only right to each have their own opening. Their clothes are so cute.
    Clever as all ways, My Dear Niece.

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