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Making Friends

January 19th, 2012

Making Friends (2 of 3)

Feeling a bit neglected by everyone since the new girl arrived, Wednesday has been a bit pouty lately. Kendall noticed this and, knowing that Wednesday is a huge fan of Lalaloopsies, got Wednesday a Lala that she didn't have yet. Ah, bribery…the way to a little kid's heart. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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My Flickr: 2011

December 31st, 2011

New Year's Eve: the perfect time of year to look back at which of my photos were the most popular in my Flickr stream.

My Flickr 2011

1. Personal Favorite: Naptime: Extras (1 of 7)
Lalaloopsies and Wednesdayโ€”it doesn't get much cuter than that! ๐Ÿ˜‰ This was one of my favorite photo shoots. It was just so much fun to do and I kept giggling over how cute everything was.

2. Most Views: Fallout
I took this picture a few of years ago when the Fallout 3 game was coming out. I think the reason it's gotten so many views is because of the word "fallout". I bet people have come to view it based on the word alone and have been very confused as to why they are looking at a weird doll. ๐Ÿ˜‰

3. & 4. Most Favorites & Most Comments: Lazy Day (7 of 7)
Another picture that I took a few years ago. Viktor doesn't even live here anymore. It sure is a nice photo to look back upon though. I forget how sexy he was. <3

Happy New Year, everybody!

Birthday Stuff, Part I

June 22nd, 2011

Birthday Stuff: From Sis

Sis got me the next book in a series that we are both reading: Hunting Ground by Patricia Briggs. I can't wait to read it although it looks like someone else got his hands on it first. I guess I'll have to wait my turn.

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Birthday Girl

June 21st, 2011

Birthday Girl (1 of 5)

Yesterday was my birthday, and the Wee Ones were excited to celebrate it. They love my birthday because not only do they get cake but they know that it will more than likely mean presents for themselves as well. And, in this case they were right!

Over the next few days, I'll post pictures of my dolls with their (my!) new gifts.

Meanwhile, in the picture above, the stuffed good luck cat and the stuffed piglet are from my sister (so cute!). The dress that Wednesday (Lati Green Coco) is wearing is from my mom (I love it!).

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Extra Naptime

January 28th, 2011

I had some extra photos leftover from the Naptime photostory. ๐Ÿ™‚

Naptime: Extras (1 of 7)

This is, from left to right, Pillow Featherbed (a regular-sized Lalaloopsy), Mini-Pillow, and Wednesday (my bjd Pillow ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). The little sheep are Pillows' pets.

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