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January 24th, 2011

It's naptime for Wednesday, but first she has to put her dolly Pillow to bed. 🙂

Naptime (1 of 20)

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Behind the Scenes

January 20th, 2011

These pictures were taken back in March 2010. The other day, I found them just sitting there on my computer. I don't remember why I took them or why I didn't take pictures of all my dolls. Probably, because the lighting in my bedroom is so horrible. XD

They are all set up differently now, but I still thought it would be fun to show you where my dolls hang out when I'm not taking pictures of them.

Benind the Scenes (1 of 4)

Anyway, this is Emily (with her old face-up) and Ethyn. Tahlvin is standing in back of them, but I didn't take a better picture of him.

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Wee Ones at Play

January 19th, 2011

Wee Ones' Play Day (1 of 7)
The Wee Ones: Molly, Wednesday, Alice

I actually took these pictures way back in February of last year (I used one of the pictures as a b-day card for my dad). I had forgotten to post them and found them on my computer yesterday. Oops! Better late than never, I suppose. 😉

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Getting Ready

January 11th, 2011

Getting Ready

"Can't you take these out yet? I'm pretty sure my hair is dry now."

Wednesday has been sitting around with these curlers in her hair all weekend in preparation for a photo shoot I have planned for her. Don't worry, Wednesday, all of this will be worth it. You'll look adorable, I promise.

The New Girl, Part 02

December 24th, 2010

(Part 01 starts here.)

[…]: Argh!

Kaylee: Here let me help.

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