January 24th, 2011
It's naptime for Wednesday, but first she has to put her dolly Pillow to bed. 🙂
Behind the Scenes
January 20th, 2011
These pictures were taken back in March 2010. The other day, I found them just sitting there on my computer. I don't remember why I took them or why I didn't take pictures of all my dolls. Probably, because the lighting in my bedroom is so horrible. XD
They are all set up differently now, but I still thought it would be fun to show you where my dolls hang out when I'm not taking pictures of them.
Anyway, this is Emily (with her old face-up) and Ethyn. Tahlvin is standing in back of them, but I didn't take a better picture of him.
Wee Ones at Play
January 19th, 2011
I actually took these pictures way back in February of last year (I used one of the pictures as a b-day card for my dad). I had forgotten to post them and found them on my computer yesterday. Oops! Better late than never, I suppose. 😉