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New Year's Eve Scandal

December 31st, 2008

New Year's Eve Scandal (1 of 8)

(SEATTLE TIMES: Arts and Entertainment)– Wednesday night, New Year's Eve: two friends are at a private club in downtown Seattle trying to enjoy a celebratory evening. Of course, when these two friends are Ethyn Regret, a hot newcomer who has taken Hollywood by storm, and Julian Nomad, the sexy lead singer of the world famous industrial band Nomad, it's hard to keep a low profile. A paparazzi who snuck into the private club managed to snap a couple of pictures of the pair relaxing and having fun before security could throw him out.

Now these pictures are showing up all over the internet and speculation as to the exact nature of Ethyn and Julian's relationship is undergoing intense debate on celebrity forums. However, when asked to comment on the various rumors, Ethyn was quoted as saying, "We're just friends."

New Year's Eve Scandal (2 of 8)

New Year's Eve Scandal (3 of 8)

New Year's Eve Scandal (4 of 8)

New Year's Eve Scandal (5 of 8)

New Year's Eve Scandal (6 of 8)

New Year's Eve Scandal (7 of 8)

Actually, the real purpose of these photos is to show you Julian's new face-up by SDink. I love how it turned out. Ethyn just didn't want to be left out. 😉



New Year's Eve Scandal (8 of 8)

An unprocessed photo so that you can better see his face-up in natural light.



outfit by Iplehouse
jewelry by Brighnasa (necklace) and Soom (leather belt/bracelet)
wig by Mellow Melon
eyes by Ethereal Angels (14mm Totally Taupe Gumdrops)
face-up by SDink

outfit by Souldoll (shirts, sweater), Iplehouse (jeans)
scarf by ?
jewelry by Orangebabydolly
wig by Soom (I'm not sure what type, it came with Julian)
eyes from Ginarolo (14mm small iris Green Amber-Style 24)
face-up by SDink


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11 Responses to “New Year's Eve Scandal”

  1. Reyoko says:

    Oooh~ 😯 From a certain angle Julian looks really hot now! I've always been a fan of girlie looking guys (hence why I love Ethyn :oops:) but Julian looks really cool in that last pic especially! Heheh.

    'Just friends' huh? Well, I've always been a DomEth fan anyways. Kyakyakya! :XO:

  2. Bunnisteffi says:

    SDink's wonderful, ne. ^^ It's no wonder Shushu's crushing on him. Ahahas.

    The pictures look more like they come from a photo shoot than papparazi fodder.

  3. Kara says:

    Reyoko: Just from a certain angle? 😉 Happy New Year!

    Bunnisteffi: SDink is so talented. I feel so lucky that two of my guys have face-ups by her. I keep pinching myself. haha

    Yeah, they aren't quite so raw as paparazzi photos. I couldn't really put up ugly pics of my guys or they might kill me while I'm sleeping. 😮

  4. Reyoko says:

    Yeah… I'm picky. So sue me! 😛

  5. Kara says:

    hahaha! 😆

  6. BanSidhe says:

    Wow, I did not think Julian could get any hotter after the last shoot.

    But seriously, I am going through Dom withdrawl. How about some big blonde eye candy for the next shoot?

  7. Reyoko says:

    I totally agree with BanSidhe!! ::-*:

  8. Aoibhgreine says:

    The photos won't show up for some reason. 😥

  9. Kara says:

    BanSidhe and Reyoko: I took some picture of Dom the other day just for you two. 😉 So, look for him to appear soon. :XO:

    Aoibhgreine: I'm not sure what's wrong. 🙁 Can you see them now?

  10. Aoibhgreine says:

    Yeah, they're okay now. It was a problem with the server.

  11. Kara says:

    Yay! 😀

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