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Commissioned Art

October 21st, 2007

A few months ago, I commissioned leafmonarch to do a picture of Ethyn in his Goblin King outfit. I can't believe it's taken me this long to show it off! I'm totally in love with it and amazed at the artist's skills.

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Pirate of the Strait

October 4th, 2007

The last two weeks of September were dedicated to vacation. Oh, how quickly it passed. The first week we spent with my parents and made it out to the Olympic Peninsula for a few days. It was a perfect opportunity to get some shots of my dolls at the beach. These were taken on the Dungeness Spit on the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Dominik was excited to finally have somewhere to wear his new pirate costume. Well, let me clarify that. He's been wearing it around the house for awhile now, but he's glad to have somewhere to wear it that makes a little more sense.

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Dark Hope

August 29th, 2007

In Ethyn's newest project, the sci-fi/fantasy thriller Dark Hope, he plays Nikolai Vagner, a 500-year-old Russian vampire. I've interwoven the following pre-production stills with a summary of the movie:

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You Remind Me of the Babe…

August 4th, 2007

While Ethyn isn't languishing around the house, he's actually out working. I didn't realize it when he first came to live with me, but he's been a struggling actor for awhile now. Recently, however, he caught a big break. He landed the role of Jareth the Goblin King in the new Broadway play Labyrinth (which, by the way, I think would be awesome if it was real…the play, not that Ethyn was in it, although that would be pretty amazing in and of itself. haha).

These pictures were taken during his wardrobe fitting:

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Smoking Break

July 27th, 2007

Little did I know that quiet Dominik was such a rebel. When my husband saw these pictures he said (and this is copied directly from our IM conversation), "OMG, he smokes!??!?! I knew I didn't like that guy! He better not be smoking in the house!"

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